how to make good thumbnails for youtube free

20 YouTube Thumbnail Design Ideas to Catch More Attention

here are 20 YouTube thumbnail design ideas to catch more attention:

  1. Use bright colors: Bright colors can help your thumbnail stand out in a crowded feed.
  2. Use contrasting colors: Pairing a bright color with a contrasting color can create a visually striking thumbnail.
  3. Use an eye-catching image: Choose an image that is visually interesting and relevant to your video.
  4. Add text: Use text to give context to your thumbnail and make it clear what the video is about.
  5. Use arrows or other visual cues: Pointing towards the subject of your thumbnail can draw the viewer’s eye.
  6. Use a close-up of a face: A close-up of a face can be very effective at catching the viewer’s attention.
  7. Use a dynamic image: An action shot or a moving image can be more engaging than a static image.
  8. Use a unique design element: Adding a unique design element, such as a pattern or a graphic, can help your thumbnail stand out.
  9. Use a testimonial: Including a quote or a review from a satisfied customer can add credibility to your video.
  10. Use a call to action: Adding a call to action, such as “click here to learn more,” can encourage viewers to watch your video.
  11. Use a teaser: Create a thumbnail that teases what’s to come in your video, such as a dramatic reveal or a humorous moment.
  12. Use animation: Adding animation to your thumbnail can make it more visually dynamic and eye-catching.
  13. Use a dramatic scene: A thumbnail that features a dramatic or suspenseful scene can be very effective at catching the viewer’s attention.
  14. Use a bold font: Using a bold, attention-grabbing font for your text can help your thumbnail stand out.
  15. Use a screenshot from your video: A screenshot from your video can give viewers a taste of what they can expect from your content.
  16. Use a template: There are many templates available that can help you create professional-looking thumbnails quickly and easily.
  17. Use a tool like Canva or Adobe Spark: These tools offer a wide range of templates, graphics, and design elements that you can use to create stunning thumbnails.
  18. Test different thumbnails: Try creating several different thumbnails for your video and see which ones perform the best. You can use YouTube’s A/B testing feature to see which thumbnail gets the most clicks.
  19. Follow YouTube’s guidelines: Make sure your thumbnail adheres to YouTube’s guidelines, which include avoiding offensive content and using high-quality images.
  20. Keep it relevant: Make sure your thumbnail is relevant to the content of your video and accurately represents what viewers can expect.

What is a YouTube thumbnail?

A YouTube thumbnail is a small image that represents a video on the YouTube platform. It is displayed on the YouTube watch page, on the search results page, and on the video’s embedded player. The thumbnail is a crucial part of the video’s branding and helps to draw viewers’ attention. Thumbnails should be high-quality and eye-catching, and they should accurately represent the content of the video. YouTube allows users to upload a custom thumbnail for their videos, or they can choose a thumbnail from three options automatically generated by YouTube.

The Main Goal of the Thumbnail

The main goal of a thumbnail is to catch the viewer’s attention and entice them to click on the video. A thumbnail should be eye-catching and visually appealing, and it should clearly represent the content of the video. A good thumbnail can help to increase the number of views on a video and contribute to the overall success of the video on YouTube.

In addition to catching the viewer’s attention, a thumbnail can also serve as a form of branding for the video and the channel. By using a consistent style and design for all of your thumbnails, you can create a cohesive brand that is easily recognizable to viewers. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience and encourage them to watch more of your videos.

How to create the best YouTube thumbnails design?

Here are some tips for creating the best YouTube thumbnail design:

  1. Use high-quality images: Make sure your thumbnail is crisp and clear. A blurry or low-quality thumbnail will not be effective at catching the viewer’s attention.
  2. Use eye-catching colors: Bright, bold colors can help your thumbnail stand out in a crowded feed.
  3. Choose an interesting image: Use a high-quality image that represents the content of your video.
  4. Add text: Use text to give context to your thumbnail and make it clear what the video is about.
  5. Keep it simple: Avoid clutter by using a simple design with a clear focal point.
  6. Use a consistent style: Use the same fonts, colors, and overall design for all of your thumbnails to create a cohesive brand.
  7. Follow YouTube’s guidelines: Make sure your thumbnail adheres to YouTube’s guidelines, which include avoiding offensive content and using high-quality images.
  8. Test different thumbnails: Try creating several different thumbnails for your video and see which ones perform the best. You can use YouTube’s A/B testing feature to see which thumbnail gets the most clicks.
  9. Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark: These tools offer a wide range of templates, graphics, and design elements that you can use to create stunning thumbnails.
  10. Seek feedback: Ask friends, family, or other trusted individuals for their opinion on your thumbnail designs. Getting feedback from others can help you improve your thumbnails and create more effective designs.

1. Include title text to deliver context

Including the title of your video in your thumbnail can be a great way to give context to your thumbnail and make it clear what the video is about. This can help to attract viewers who are interested in the content of your video and increase the chances that they will click on it. When adding title text to your thumbnail, make sure to use a font that is easy to read and that stands out against the background. You should also keep the title short and to the point, as a long or complicated title may be difficult for viewers to understand quickly.

In addition to the title, you may also want to consider adding other text to your thumbnail, such as a tagline or a call to action. This can help to further entice viewers to watch your video and can be an effective way to communicate the value of your content.

2. Use the best font style

Choosing the right font style for your thumbnail is important, as it can help to make your text legible and easy to read. There are many different font styles to choose from, and the best one for your thumbnail will depend on the overall design and tone of your thumbnail. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a font style:

  1. Legibility: Make sure the font you choose is easy to read, especially at small sizes. Avoid using overly decorative or script fonts, as they can be difficult to read.
  2. Tone: The font you choose should match the tone of your thumbnail. For example, a formal, serif font may be more appropriate for a serious or professional thumbnail, while a fun, sans-serif font may work better for a more light-hearted thumbnail.
  3. Size: The size of the font should be large enough to be easily readable, but not so large that it dominates the thumbnail.
  4. Contrast: Make sure the font stands out against the background of your thumbnail. Using a font with high contrast (such as white text on a dark background) can make it easier to read.
  5. Consistency: Use the same font style consistently across all of your thumbnails to create a cohesive brand.

Some popular font styles for YouTube thumbnails include Arial, Helvetica, and Open Sans. Experiment with different font styles to find the one that works best for your thumbnails.

3. Fine contrast with bright background

Using a bright background for your thumbnail can be a great way to catch the viewer’s attention and make your thumbnail stand out in a crowded feed. However, it is important to ensure that the text and other design elements of your thumbnail have enough contrast with the background so that they are easily readable.

One way to achieve good contrast with a bright background is to use a darker color for the text and other design elements. For example, white or light grey text can stand out well against a bright blue or pink background. Alternatively, you can use a bright color for the text and other design elements, but make sure to choose a color that has enough contrast with the background. For example, bright yellow text may not be as legible against a bright green background.

It is also a good idea to test your thumbnail design with different background colors to see which combination works best. You can use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create thumbnail mockups with different background colors, or you can use YouTube’s A/B testing feature to see which thumbnail performs the best.

5. Include an image of the face: Make eye contact with the viewer

Including an image of a face can be a powerful way to engage with your audience and create a sense of connection. By making eye contact with the viewer, you can create a feeling of intimacy and trust. Here are a few tips for using an image of a face effectively:

  1. Choose an image that is high-quality and in focus.
  2. Make sure the face in the image is facing towards the viewer and making eye contact.
  3. Use an image that is appropriate for your intended audience.
  4. Avoid using images that may be offensive or inappropriate.
  5. Consider the emotions and expressions of the person in the image and how they might be perceived by the viewer.
  6. Properly credit the source of the image if using someone else’s work.

6. Consistency

Consistency is important in visual design as it helps to create a cohesive and professional appearance. Here are a few ways to maintain consistency in your visual design:

  1. Use a consistent color palette throughout your design.
  2. Use consistent font styles and sizes.
  3. Use similar design elements, such as shapes, lines, and icons.
  4. Maintain consistency in the layout and structure of your design.
  5. Use consistent branding elements, such as logos and brand colors.

By maintaining consistency in your visual design, you can create a cohesive and professional look that will effectively communicate your message to your audience.

7. Analyze your competitor

Analyzing your competitors can be a helpful way to identify strengths and weaknesses in your own visual design and to understand what is working well for others in your industry. Here are a few tips for analyzing your competitors’ visual design:

  1. Take note of the overall aesthetic of your competitors’ visual design.
  2. Look at the use of color, font, and imagery in your competitors’ design.
  3. Consider the layout and structure of your competitors’ design.
  4. Analyze the effectiveness of your competitors’ branding elements, such as logos and slogans.
  5. Determine what makes your competitors’ design stand out and what could be improved upon.

By analyzing your competitors’ visual design, you can gain insights and ideas that can inform and improve your own design strategy.

8. Create a design for a small screen

Designing for small screens, such as those on smartphones, requires a different approach than designing for larger screens. Here are a few tips for creating a design that is optimized for small screens:

  1. Use a simple and clean layout. Avoid cluttered or overly complex designs.
  2. Use larger text and buttons to make them easy to read and tap on small screens.
  3. Use appropriate image sizes to ensure that images look clear and sharp on small screens.
  4. Consider the user’s context when designing for small screens. For example, users may be on the go and using their smartphone to quickly access information.
  5. Use responsive design techniques to ensure that your design looks good on a variety of screen sizes.

By following these tips, you can create a design that is effective and easy to use on small screens.

9. Optimize for different devices

Optimizing your design for different devices is important because users may access your content on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Here are a few tips for optimizing your design for different devices:

  1. Use responsive design techniques to ensure that your design adjusts and looks good on a variety of screen sizes.
  2. Consider the context in which users may be accessing your content on different devices. For example, users may be on the go and using their smartphone for quick access to information, while they may be at a desk and using a larger screen for more in-depth tasks.
  3. Test your design on different devices to ensure that it looks and functions as intended.
  4. Use device-specific design techniques, such as designing for touch screens on mobile devices.

By optimizing your design for different devices, you can provide a seamless and consistent user experience regardless of the device being used.

more related post: How do I optimize my YouTube videos for SEO?

10. Perfect youtube thumbnail size

The recommended size for YouTube thumbnail images is 1280 pixels by 720 pixels. This size will ensure that your thumbnail looks clear and sharp on all devices. It’s important to note that YouTube may resize your thumbnail depending on the device being used to view it, so it’s a good idea to design your thumbnail with this in mind.

In addition to the size of the thumbnail, it’s also important to consider the content of the thumbnail image. Choose an image that is visually appealing and represents the content of your video. Avoid using text in your thumbnail image, as it may be difficult to read on small screens.

Keep in mind that the thumbnail image is an important element of your video’s marketing, as it can help to attract and engage viewers. Choose a thumbnail that is high-quality and effectively represents the content of your video.

11. Use best thumbnail makers

There are several online tools that you can use to create professional and high-quality thumbnail images for your videos. Here are a few options:

  1. Canva: Canva is a user-friendly design platform that offers a variety of templates and design tools for creating thumbnail images.
  2. Adobe Spark: Adobe Spark is a visual storytelling platform that allows you to create professional-looking thumbnail images using a variety of templates and design elements.
  3. FotoJet: FotoJet is a thumbnail maker that offers a range of templates and design tools for creating custom thumbnail images.
  4. Piktochart: Piktochart is a graphic design platform that offers a variety of templates and design elements for creating thumbnail images.
  5. Thumbnail Maker: Thumbnail Maker is a mobile app that allows you to create custom thumbnail images using a variety of templates and design elements.

Using one of these thumbnail makers can help you create professional and eye-catching thumbnail images for your videos.


In conclusion, effective visual design is an important element of creating engaging and effective content. Some key considerations for visual design include choosing an appropriate color palette, using relevant and high-quality images, maintaining consistency, and optimizing for different devices. Analyzing your competitors’ visual design and using tools like thumbnail makers can also be helpful in creating a successful visual design strategy. By following these principles, you can create visual designs that effectively communicate your message and engage your audience.


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