When did segregation in the US Army end?

When did segregation in the US Army end? Segregation in the U.S. Army officially ended on July 26, 1948, when President Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9981. This order established the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Forces and directed the military to take steps to end segregation and … Read more

compulsory school age definition

compulsory school age definition Compulsory school age refers to the age at which a child is required by law to attend school. The specific age at which this requirement begins and ends varies by country and can range from as young as five years old to as old as 18 years old. In the United … Read more

what age kids go to school in usa? elementary school age

what age kids go to school in usa? elementary school age In the United States children typically start elementary school (also known as primary school) when they are around 6 years old. However, the age at which children start school can vary depending on the state or school district in which they live. Some states … Read more

Auto insurance quotes

Auto insurance quotes Auto insurance quotes are estimates of the cost of an auto insurance policy for a specific driver and vehicle. These quotes are based on various factors, such as the driver’s age, driving history, location, and the type of vehicle being insured. To get an auto insurance quote, you can contact an insurance … Read more